Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Year in Review

2011 was an incredible year filled with desperation, disappointment, realization of friends' true selves, overwhelming joy and happiness and ended with absolute fulfillment.

Jan 01, 2011 met me with the anticipation of a fresh IVF cycle. One offered to us for free as part of a study. This was our third IVF cycle and our second in our attempt to have another baby. If not for the waived cost of the cycle, I'm not sure I would have proceeded with it and looking at this adorable baby that it yielded, I know now I would have spent anything to have her and am ashamed that I almost didn't do the study.

The study was more difficult than previous ones because my appointments could not be done as early. I spent roughly 4-5 hours every morning for about 10 days driving to the appointment and home, squeezing in my hours for March of Dimes, and caring for Caden. It was exhausting. Shawn worked from home during these days to help with everything.

Feb 14 was the retrieval...and ultimately conception date...for Peanut. She's a Valentine's Day baby. :)

We learned the happy news at the end of February and announced the new baby during Caden's second birthday party to our closest friends and family. It was wonderful.

Life continued on from there. Shawn worked (and continues to work) like a dog, I executed the March of Dimes walk, and Caden grew cuter, smarter, and kinder with each passing day.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we travelled back to Florida and spent two glorious weeks on the beach and at the pool. It was wonderful.

Shortly after returning, things turned when we learned we had to say good bye to our dear dog DJ, only 10 weeks later we said goodbye to Dakota.

At the 20 week mark of our pregnancy, we faced a scare that Peanut may have an intestinal disorder and brain cyst. After an agonizing week avoiding Google, we learned that Peanut was just fine and we breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Summer days with Caden involved playdates with friends, time at the pool, volunteering at a daycare, and afternoons at the playground. We tossed around the idea of moving and I used my second trimester energy boost to clean the house. In the end, we stayed put.

My favorite time of year was quickly upon us and I greatly enjoyed and appreciated the cooler weather as my waist continued to expand. We went apple picking and hayriding and spent time with friends.

A mere four days after trick-or-treating, we welcome Adele to the family and time took off at warp speed.

The holidays were here and just as quickly they are already in the past. Our house is filled with new clothes, new toys, and new life. It is loud, active, and messy. I am in love with my life and the people who fill it. I am grateful for everything within these four walls and the breath in my body.

While walking Bennie the other day, I saw a shooting star. As a tribute to the gratitude I have for my blessings, I gave my wish to someone else who needed it more. I hope it came true for them.

Happy New Year!

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