Friday, December 30, 2011

The Cold

I can handle being tired; I can handle being sick. I am not handling being tired AND sick very well.

I developed a sore throat shortly after Adele came home from the hospital and have been sick ever since.

Shawn brought home a lovely virus about 2 weeks ago that incapacitated him so much so he actually took a legitimate sick day and slept all day. Then Caden got sick and now it's my turn what seemed to be moments after overcoming the sore throat. Even sweet Adele is sick and has coughing fits.

I'm lucky to get 5 hours of broken sleep a night. I have trouble going back to sleep after feeding Adele due to terrible coughing fits, so my potential for sleep is reduced even further.

She is almost 2 months old. From physically healing from labor and being sick, I haven't felt well in 2 months. Even longer if you add the sleepless nights and discomfort from full term pregnancy.

I look about 10 years older and feel I will never have the energy to work out and get rid of these 10 remaining lbs.

I love them dearly, but exhaustion and illness are taking their toll.

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