Friday, December 23, 2011

'Twas the Night Before

Since blogspot jacked up my blog for a few months I haven't been able to post, and then forgot to check to see if I could!

So I haven't done any updating since September and there has been a whole lotta life happening since then. Mainly....


7 weeks ago today I went in for my regularly scheduled appointment to discover I was 5 cm dilated. This was not a huge surprise since I felt like I had been delivering the baby for about 6 weeks.

My doctor recommended I head over to the hospital to deliver and I couldn't have agreed more. After an hour of running around, collecting Caden, calling Grammie, and packing Shawn and I hoofed it to the hospital where Grammie met us and took Caden back home.

I was given pitocin around 2:00, an epidural around 3:00 and had our beautiful, sweet little girl at 5:25 after a mere 4 minutes (yes, minutes) of pushing. She was 6lbs 15ozs and 19.5" of pure heaven. Adele Eden has completed our family.

My doctor didn't say the gender immediately but held her up so we could see. I began crying and didn't stop crying or exclaiming that we had a girl for at least an hour. Even now I am shocked that we were blessed with a little girl.

We have a matching set.

I love her so much.

Caden is the best big brother. He asks about her all the time. Wants to know where she is, gives her her paci or blanket, turns her music on and tells me she's hungry when she cries. There is no greater brother than Caden...I'm confident of that.

This Christmas will be the most spectacular of my life. I feel beyond blessed for all the riches in my life. I have need for nothing.

I hope everyone, everywhere has a very Merry Christmas and is able to overlook the materialistic tendencies of the day and focus on the truly priceless blessings in life.

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