Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bye-Bye Baby

I knew this day would come and I should have been prepared for it. After Santa and everyone else at the Santa brunch thought he was a girl, I KNEW Shawn would insist on a haircut--the first--for Caden.
He'll be 3 in March, so I was well aware of the fact that I was on borrowed time.
I've done an ok job of trimming the length so it never got too terribly long, but it has gotten thicker and when he gets hot or its warm out, it curls up so adorably, I get weak in the knees. He's just so dang cute.
On Tuesday, the last day Shawn was home, we took him to a barber that our friend recommended. The kid threw a shit-fit when we walked in and wanted NOTHING to do with the barber or his chair. Which was okay, since the barber admitted to not knowing how to cut with scissors and that he'd just buzz it. So we left--not ready for a friggin' buzzed head!
After buying him some new sneaks, we thought we'd try one other barber shop...and this time it worked. She managed to cut his hair by coaxing him into the chair with dum dums. Lots of dum dums. He also sat on my lap, which helped.
He walked into the barber shop a baby and left a Little Boy. He looks so grown-up. I can't believe my little baby is gone. :(
Now we have to work on the whole potty training which I'm beginning to think will never happen. I'll have to home school cause he won't be allowed to go to school.
My Big Boy

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