Thursday, July 7, 2011

Homey Homey

Every time I say "Holy Moly", Caden repeats it as Homey Homey and it cracks me up. Every.time.

This week has sucked. I'm thrilled to death that it's almost over and that we might actually get some sleep.

Monday at our friend's house Caden was coughing a bit but nothing major. When we got home, it seemed to be a little more serious and by Tuesday early morning (like 3:30) it was clear he was sick. So I cancelled the day.

Tuesday night poor bear had a fever. So Wednesday was cancelled as well.

Wednesday afternoon I'm surprised he didn't set the chair on fire he was so friggin' hot. I took him to the Dr only to discover he had a temp of 103.5 and strep. Last night this poor baby woke up every 45 minutes to an hour crying and delusional. He didn't know where he was and kept asking to "Go back" or "Go home". This continued until about 5am when he finally slept for 2.5 hours straight.

This whole day has pretty much been the same. He clan only nap for about 30-40 minutes b/f waking. It's just been miserable.

And can I say loudly I really don't want strep? Well, I REALLY DON'T WANT STREP!!!! I will be the biggest pain in the arse ever seen to Shawn if I get strep. I distinctly remember strep from one summer when I was perhaps 5 and I remember it sucking. That was 30 yrs ago. 'Nuf said.

On other, more exciting news, looks like we'll have a ratified contract by COB tomorrow! Cool shit eh? I haven't given the house much thought this week, but now I'm all kinds of excited again. It feels so right and fits us like a glove.

Once we have the ratified contract and it gets sent to their bank for acceptance, we'll have a month to list the house. Which is plenty of time. And then we'll have 3 months until Peanut arrives and seriously, if we're closing on the house while I'm crowning I'll just have to laugh b/c I won't have any other options.

This is sorta nutsy. But on the plus side, Shawn will be home for about 3 weeks after Peanut's birth and he can help get the house together---you know, when Peanut is sleeping.

It's a good thing we're young. We are still young right?

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