Friday, July 29, 2011

Bear Hugs

Caden has been in a total mommy-mood this week and I'm loving every minute of it! The highlight of my week was on Wed when we drove home from daycare. He was calling me from the back seat and at a red light I turned around to see what he wanted. He looked at me and said, "Momma, I love you."

Oh melt my heart!! He is all about hugs and love and cuddles this week and I hope it lasts at least a few more weeks!! He is such a sweet, compassionate, caring little man. I love him so much.

Otherwise, it's been a hectic week with between 4 and 6 pet visits each day from 7am until 8pm. This will continue until Monday and then I'll be done for a while.

Today we will enjoy lunch with some friends and the pool later on--and four pet visits between now and then!

So he's getting in a little R&R time before we head out.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Daze

This week has been fairly quiet. We've done our volunteer work and Caden went to preschool yesterday, which meant I cleaned the house! I love a clean house. This afternoon we'll head to a friend's house for a swim.

I've been incredibly fortunate to have had a few weeks of steady pet sitting, which is really terrific money. Next week, my friend who owns the business, is going on vacation so I will be doing all of her walks. Somehow, I'm on track to earn my projected $1000/month that we hoped I would earn doing part time work. Can't complain about that!

The weather this week is absolutely stifling. I've decided summer is as bad as winter in VA. It's just too hot to take Caden outside to play. The dogs don't even want to go out. Except for sitting in a pool, it really is best to stay inside.

So we've been reading and playing in the cool basement as much as possible. I keep the AC turned up a bit so as to not over-burden it and have a staggering AC bill. We turn it back down in the evenings when the sun is no longer pounding on the house.

Peanut continues to make his/her presence known. We are struggling like I've never struggled with names. I don't even know which names are on the top of our list, we run through them constantly and then just as quickly dismiss them!

Next week is my glucose test, which should be fine. I'm not that big, my tummy isn't that big, I'm not worried. I've been taking a weekly spin class and swimming on Wed. The rest of the week I chase after Caden. I think I'm doing a fairly good job of staying fit.

Here is parting shot of my bear so kindly asking me to play with him. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Buyers Market My Foot...

After reaching an agreement and waiting for nothing more than signatures, the owners of this property decided to "slip in" an AS IS amendment negating several paragraphs in the contract. Namely, the termite, well, and septic inspections.

Excuse me!!?

We had ALL agreed!

So we countered with three options the third of which was to all go our separate ways. That was the one they went with.

What a waste of time. The only good thing is that it all ended before we got this house listed.

It clearly wasn't meant to be, but that doesn't mean I'm not bummed because I had already placed furniture and was beyond excited about the kids' savings.

The inventory for our specific requirements is almost non-existent, so I think our house hunt will take a break until Spring when hopefully there are more homes on the market.

The good news is that I can enjoy these last few months of pregnancy and prepare for Peanut rather than packing.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Homey Homey

Every time I say "Holy Moly", Caden repeats it as Homey Homey and it cracks me up. Every.time.

This week has sucked. I'm thrilled to death that it's almost over and that we might actually get some sleep.

Monday at our friend's house Caden was coughing a bit but nothing major. When we got home, it seemed to be a little more serious and by Tuesday early morning (like 3:30) it was clear he was sick. So I cancelled the day.

Tuesday night poor bear had a fever. So Wednesday was cancelled as well.

Wednesday afternoon I'm surprised he didn't set the chair on fire he was so friggin' hot. I took him to the Dr only to discover he had a temp of 103.5 and strep. Last night this poor baby woke up every 45 minutes to an hour crying and delusional. He didn't know where he was and kept asking to "Go back" or "Go home". This continued until about 5am when he finally slept for 2.5 hours straight.

This whole day has pretty much been the same. He clan only nap for about 30-40 minutes b/f waking. It's just been miserable.

And can I say loudly I really don't want strep? Well, I REALLY DON'T WANT STREP!!!! I will be the biggest pain in the arse ever seen to Shawn if I get strep. I distinctly remember strep from one summer when I was perhaps 5 and I remember it sucking. That was 30 yrs ago. 'Nuf said.

On other, more exciting news, looks like we'll have a ratified contract by COB tomorrow! Cool shit eh? I haven't given the house much thought this week, but now I'm all kinds of excited again. It feels so right and fits us like a glove.

Once we have the ratified contract and it gets sent to their bank for acceptance, we'll have a month to list the house. Which is plenty of time. And then we'll have 3 months until Peanut arrives and seriously, if we're closing on the house while I'm crowning I'll just have to laugh b/c I won't have any other options.

This is sorta nutsy. But on the plus side, Shawn will be home for about 3 weeks after Peanut's birth and he can help get the house together---you know, when Peanut is sleeping.

It's a good thing we're young. We are still young right?

Monday, July 4, 2011


The FB status of my friend reads "Never allow me to awake from the American Dream" and I couldn't agree with this sentiment any more.

I used to give endless thanks for living in an age where my vision could be corrected. Where I can pop in my contacts or put my glasses on and find my way. In earlier days, I surely would not have lived long since I would not see the saber-toothed tiger ready to devour me.

However, for the past 4 years, I have had to adjust my gratitude. If not for our country which allows citizens individual pursuits without the oppression of religion or government, I would not have been blessed not once, but twice, with successful IVF procedures. I would not be dreaming about the Fall and welcoming our sweet little Peanut into our family.

I am beyond grateful for the freedom allowed me to research and pursue these resources to build my family. Nevermind the endless gratefulness to the individuals whose intelligence far surpasses that of anyone I know and have created these miracles.

Added to these monumental strokes of luck are smaller blessings that we have been granted in our own pursuit of happiness. Because of the hardwork of my husband and an office that rewards its employees we have managed to get by on one income. In an era where two incomes are generally required to make ends meet, I cannot be more proud of us for making the required sacrifices in order to get by on one income. It is not easy and we continue to comb through our budget to trim more fat. But we're doing it.

And finally, the freedom to pursue our larger dreams. The dream of owning what we deem our "dream home" (should clarify, more dream property than home). These are not easy days and people continue to struggle. But things are going very well with the negotiations for the house we are looking to buy. I am hoping to hear good news tomorrow and then our offer can be sent to their bank for approval, which hopefully is already aware of the situation.

Perhaps, by the end of September we will be settled on our quiet private lane nestled among the horses and will welcome Peanut home to that home rather than this one.

Dare to dream. All things are possible when you make responsible decisions and put priorities in the right order. When you don't have to force something, it was meant to be.

My heart swells with pride for my country and thanks for my many blessings.