Thursday, June 16, 2011

Who Says I Don't Work?

The house was perfect. Too perfect. So perfect I'll be upset if we don't get it. And the chances of getting it are about as slim as playing the lottery, for which we never buy tickets.

Most people would look at this house and think a murder took place there, or at the very least a murder movie. I see potential. Loads of potential. The yard is lovely. Shade trees in the back, small trees scattered throughout the front, a pond which the land runs through, a paddock, a guest apartment above the garage, other sheds throughout the property, etc.

There are a few major issues with buying a 70-yr-old house:

  • Functioning septic and well

  • AC

  • Buried oil storage tank

  • Asbestos

  • Lead

To name a few. I've enlisted the help of a site assessor and am waiting for his quote. We also visited the property last night with a contractor to determine the cost of a 700 sq ft renovation we'd like to add. If we don't have the money for it now, we will live in the house as -is until next year and save like fiends until then.

The lead will require an abatement specialist to either remove or contain it. Containing is cheaper, we'll do that! :)

There are three flues throughout the house. One looks like it was used recently. All will need an inspection and the ones we plan to use with wood stoves will require relining to bring up to code.

And of course on this end, we need to sell our house. Thankfully, I think we have time, since I need to collect all these quotes to include with our offer (justifying the lower-than-asking price) and there is some discussion about moving some of the property lines to give the neighboring lot more land. How much? I have no clue. Would we lose an acre or a few sq ft? No clue. Obviously an offer will not be submitted until we know.

I just hope it all works out and we get the house. It will give us financial security and absolve us of any existing debt that we have. We will be able to raise our children in a gorgeous environment with easy access to all that this area has to offer.

In the meantime, I'm shoveling out this house room by room and making HUGE headway. It's scary how crazy I've become. The back of my Jeep is packed with giveaway items!

Oh, AND we had our 5-month-Peanut appointment today. Since we didn't determine gender, it was just a super fun opportunity to see the baby. Caden came with us and when he wasn't playing with cars or laying on the table with me, he watched the TV and when he saw the skull, he recognized it as a baby. He's amazing. More so every day.

These are good times, but man, are they hectic. I just hope it all works out. And if not, we are prepared for the next farmhouse to come on the market. Thankfully, fewer people want these homes than "make me house poor" homes. Giving us a greater chance of landing one!

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