Monday, June 20, 2011

Farmhouse Dream on Hold

So that property line issue is larger than we anticipated. It would appear they may take as much as 1.5 acres from the farmhouse and give it to the property next door. I find it hard to believe that they will not adjust the price accordingly.

In the meantime, Shawn and I have decided we cannot bear to leave this town. It has truly become home to us, and even living in a different city name might be too far. So, with that said, we are narrowing our search for this town. Which makes the inventory nearly nonexistent. Tonight we are going to look at a small house on a large property being sold undervalue. The house is move-in ready and really only 600 sq ft smaller than our house. It will be interesting to see the configuration to see how it feel.

Should we like, bid, and get this house we would still be in our town with over 5 acres of land surrounded by more land. This is what we want. We want to raise Caden and Peanut with a large yard and plenty of outdoor space while still being close enough to our town to bring them to events. We want to put in a pool and 5 acres gives us ample space for all of it. We want to have smaller monthly expenses to make being a stay-at-home easier. We want to get our money out of our current home to start a college savings for both children, while also having an emergency stash of money. We want to be responsible.

Today I am 20 weeks along with Peanut. Now that I'm halfway there, I'm getting too excited to meet this next bundle of joy. Peanut wiggles and squiggles all the time and I love the constant reminders that someone is in there. I am so excited to lay my eyes on my beautiful baby and hold him/her in my arm and introduce him/her to his/her brother and vice versa. I'm so excited for all that the future holds for us.

I don't know how much I've gained, but I don't think it's a lot. I turn around on the scale at each appt. Yesterday Shawn, Caden, Grampie and I went to a car show in our town and I was handed two free passes for wine tasting at a local winery. Guess I don't look obviously pregnant just yet. Still just looking like I haven't lost the baby weight!!

It is a gloomy, dreary morning. C is still sleeping. Smart boy. We will volunteer at a daycare in our pool facility today, then I'll take him in the pool. Then home for lunch and naps. This afternoon's excitement for me is an oil change. I suppose I'll try to get some cleaning done in here too.

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