Monday, June 27, 2011


Today was our appointment with the specialist. We arrived on time and waited an eternity to be seen. RockStar sonographer took 10 million pix of Peanut and we got one superb profile pic. When she was done, she told us everything looked fine and the doctor would be right in.

When the doc came in, he reviewed our medical history and then confirmed why we were there, "double bubble and brain cyst". 'Scuse me?? Brain, what??

Yes, apparently, Fresh-Out-of-School Sonographer at our OBs office saw not only a blockage in Peanut's intestines, but a 4mm cyst in his/her brain as well. I can not tell you how RELIEVED we are to not have known that was a possibility. Neither exists. Peanut is FINE. F-I-N-E!!!

In other exciting news...we will submit an offer on the house tomorrow!!! Whoo weee!!! I'm so excited. There are SOOOOO many stars that need to align that I know this is a slim chance, but we'll see this through until it is surely a deadend.

We've determined the lowest amount we'll accept on this house, which will still permit us to do everything we want to do. Mainly begin college funds for the kids. Peanut will have a sizable college fund prior to birth!!! Absolutely nothing makes me happier than the thought of setting our kids up financially.

And of course, if the offers are too low, we wait. We don't have to move. We aren't extended too far, we aren't upside down...actually, if we move, our finances will remain exactly the same. The money will just be in a better place.

We'll see what happens. But Wednesday morning, they will have our offer.

Fingers Crossed!

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