Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tough Dose of Reality

While Shawn and I fantasize about downsizing our house and upgrading our yard to live in a way that more suits our lifestyle, a few horrifying local events have shaken our sweet little community.

#1) Local Asst. Principal (recently promoted to Principal) was arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography. The school where he was the Asst. Principal is right down the road from us; the one where he was going to be Principal is one where I taught. This is too close to home. Teachers are there to guide and instruct our kids to become the best and brightest adults they can be, not destroy their lives and the lives of their family.

#2) Our veterinarian unintentionally left her 3-year-old son in his car seat for too many hours and he died. This wonderful woman who has cared so wonderfully for our pets for soooo many years was distracted. Period. The whole story hasn't been released, but it frightens the heck out of me because it's something that can really happen to anyone.

Concerning the first event, people need to speak with their kids and NEVER trust any adult to be alone with them. I truly believe this. Even people you know and family should be kept on tight leashes. This is more about protecting the quality of life for your child than offending someone.

Concerning the second event, I've read stories of this happening before but NEVER to someone we know. It's almost impossible to consider the nightmare that this family is experiencing, especially the mother who must be blaming herself. This is a horrible way to recognize the things that are important in life. It's not your job, it's your family. They should ALWAYS be first and foremost on one's mind.

My thoughts and prayers are with her family and all the families of the kids who spent time with that man.

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