Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Yesterday I received a call from the OB. She told me that the Ultrasound tech saw "something funny" in the intestines and she recommends I see a Perinatologist to have a look. Once I heard the message I hopped back on the phone to find out what exactly she was talking about.

It would appear that Peanut may have a "double bubble" or a blockage in his/her intestines. This will require surgery shortly after birth. Like hours or one day after birth. Obviously we are hoping there is no "double bubble" and that Peanut's bubble is just fine.

We need to wait until Monday for the appointment with the specialist. Monday. Today is Tuesday. I have to wait a week. I get the lack of urgency. I mean there is nothing to do but wait until Peanut is born, but for my peace of mind, it would be nice if this appointment was, say, today.

In other, less gloomy news. We saw potential in the house. The yard is ridiculously beautiful. The house...meh, not so much. But a fresh coat of paint and new carpets will enable us to live there comfortably while we plan additions, pick paint colors, and save copious amounts of money. We're going to submit an offer!! Whee!!! I'm very excited. We'll see what happens.

The people have filed bankruptcy and have one foot out the door. So I'm hoping the bank will seriously consider our offer. I'm too dang excited to get it submitted and get this place on the market.

I think after this weekend, the house should be ready to show. Maybe next weekend. The yard needs some attention.

This is so much better to think about than bubbles.

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