Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Mid Day Blah
It strikes everyday shortly after naptime. I don't know what to do. It's too hot to play outside, we look at books and color and read and watch tv and paint occassionally. And other times, I just want to sit and watch Bravo until Shawn comes home. Obviously, that's not an option since someone doesn't like Bravo as much as I do. :)
I just watch the clock waiting for it to get later so we can go outside or to the playground or pool. I'm hoping to take C to the playground in a little over an hour.
What to do until then?
Monday, June 27, 2011
When the doc came in, he reviewed our medical history and then confirmed why we were there, "double bubble and brain cyst". 'Scuse me?? Brain, what??
Yes, apparently, Fresh-Out-of-School Sonographer at our OBs office saw not only a blockage in Peanut's intestines, but a 4mm cyst in his/her brain as well. I can not tell you how RELIEVED we are to not have known that was a possibility. Neither exists. Peanut is FINE. F-I-N-E!!!
In other exciting news...we will submit an offer on the house tomorrow!!! Whoo weee!!! I'm so excited. There are SOOOOO many stars that need to align that I know this is a slim chance, but we'll see this through until it is surely a deadend.
We've determined the lowest amount we'll accept on this house, which will still permit us to do everything we want to do. Mainly begin college funds for the kids. Peanut will have a sizable college fund prior to birth!!! Absolutely nothing makes me happier than the thought of setting our kids up financially.
And of course, if the offers are too low, we wait. We don't have to move. We aren't extended too far, we aren't upside down...actually, if we move, our finances will remain exactly the same. The money will just be in a better place.
We'll see what happens. But Wednesday morning, they will have our offer.
Fingers Crossed!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
It would appear that Peanut may have a "double bubble" or a blockage in his/her intestines. This will require surgery shortly after birth. Like hours or one day after birth. Obviously we are hoping there is no "double bubble" and that Peanut's bubble is just fine.
We need to wait until Monday for the appointment with the specialist. Monday. Today is Tuesday. I have to wait a week. I get the lack of urgency. I mean there is nothing to do but wait until Peanut is born, but for my peace of mind, it would be nice if this appointment was, say, today.
In other, less gloomy news. We saw potential in the house. The yard is ridiculously beautiful. The house...meh, not so much. But a fresh coat of paint and new carpets will enable us to live there comfortably while we plan additions, pick paint colors, and save copious amounts of money. We're going to submit an offer!! Whee!!! I'm very excited. We'll see what happens.
The people have filed bankruptcy and have one foot out the door. So I'm hoping the bank will seriously consider our offer. I'm too dang excited to get it submitted and get this place on the market.
I think after this weekend, the house should be ready to show. Maybe next weekend. The yard needs some attention.
This is so much better to think about than bubbles.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Farmhouse Dream on Hold
In the meantime, Shawn and I have decided we cannot bear to leave this town. It has truly become home to us, and even living in a different city name might be too far. So, with that said, we are narrowing our search for this town. Which makes the inventory nearly nonexistent. Tonight we are going to look at a small house on a large property being sold undervalue. The house is move-in ready and really only 600 sq ft smaller than our house. It will be interesting to see the configuration to see how it feel.
Should we like, bid, and get this house we would still be in our town with over 5 acres of land surrounded by more land. This is what we want. We want to raise Caden and Peanut with a large yard and plenty of outdoor space while still being close enough to our town to bring them to events. We want to put in a pool and 5 acres gives us ample space for all of it. We want to have smaller monthly expenses to make being a stay-at-home easier. We want to get our money out of our current home to start a college savings for both children, while also having an emergency stash of money. We want to be responsible.
Today I am 20 weeks along with Peanut. Now that I'm halfway there, I'm getting too excited to meet this next bundle of joy. Peanut wiggles and squiggles all the time and I love the constant reminders that someone is in there. I am so excited to lay my eyes on my beautiful baby and hold him/her in my arm and introduce him/her to his/her brother and vice versa. I'm so excited for all that the future holds for us.
I don't know how much I've gained, but I don't think it's a lot. I turn around on the scale at each appt. Yesterday Shawn, Caden, Grampie and I went to a car show in our town and I was handed two free passes for wine tasting at a local winery. Guess I don't look obviously pregnant just yet. Still just looking like I haven't lost the baby weight!!
It is a gloomy, dreary morning. C is still sleeping. Smart boy. We will volunteer at a daycare in our pool facility today, then I'll take him in the pool. Then home for lunch and naps. This afternoon's excitement for me is an oil change. I suppose I'll try to get some cleaning done in here too.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Tough Dose of Reality
#1) Local Asst. Principal (recently promoted to Principal) was arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography. The school where he was the Asst. Principal is right down the road from us; the one where he was going to be Principal is one where I taught. This is too close to home. Teachers are there to guide and instruct our kids to become the best and brightest adults they can be, not destroy their lives and the lives of their family.
#2) Our veterinarian unintentionally left her 3-year-old son in his car seat for too many hours and he died. This wonderful woman who has cared so wonderfully for our pets for soooo many years was distracted. Period. The whole story hasn't been released, but it frightens the heck out of me because it's something that can really happen to anyone.
Concerning the first event, people need to speak with their kids and NEVER trust any adult to be alone with them. I truly believe this. Even people you know and family should be kept on tight leashes. This is more about protecting the quality of life for your child than offending someone.
Concerning the second event, I've read stories of this happening before but NEVER to someone we know. It's almost impossible to consider the nightmare that this family is experiencing, especially the mother who must be blaming herself. This is a horrible way to recognize the things that are important in life. It's not your job, it's your family. They should ALWAYS be first and foremost on one's mind.
My thoughts and prayers are with her family and all the families of the kids who spent time with that man.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Who Says I Don't Work?
Most people would look at this house and think a murder took place there, or at the very least a murder movie. I see potential. Loads of potential. The yard is lovely. Shade trees in the back, small trees scattered throughout the front, a pond which the land runs through, a paddock, a guest apartment above the garage, other sheds throughout the property, etc.
There are a few major issues with buying a 70-yr-old house:
- Functioning septic and well
- AC
- Buried oil storage tank
- Asbestos
- Lead
To name a few. I've enlisted the help of a site assessor and am waiting for his quote. We also visited the property last night with a contractor to determine the cost of a 700 sq ft renovation we'd like to add. If we don't have the money for it now, we will live in the house as -is until next year and save like fiends until then.
The lead will require an abatement specialist to either remove or contain it. Containing is cheaper, we'll do that! :)
There are three flues throughout the house. One looks like it was used recently. All will need an inspection and the ones we plan to use with wood stoves will require relining to bring up to code.
And of course on this end, we need to sell our house. Thankfully, I think we have time, since I need to collect all these quotes to include with our offer (justifying the lower-than-asking price) and there is some discussion about moving some of the property lines to give the neighboring lot more land. How much? I have no clue. Would we lose an acre or a few sq ft? No clue. Obviously an offer will not be submitted until we know.
I just hope it all works out and we get the house. It will give us financial security and absolve us of any existing debt that we have. We will be able to raise our children in a gorgeous environment with easy access to all that this area has to offer.
In the meantime, I'm shoveling out this house room by room and making HUGE headway. It's scary how crazy I've become. The back of my Jeep is packed with giveaway items!
Oh, AND we had our 5-month-Peanut appointment today. Since we didn't determine gender, it was just a super fun opportunity to see the baby. Caden came with us and when he wasn't playing with cars or laying on the table with me, he watched the TV and when he saw the skull, he recognized it as a baby. He's amazing. More so every day.
These are good times, but man, are they hectic. I just hope it all works out. And if not, we are prepared for the next farmhouse to come on the market. Thankfully, fewer people want these homes than "make me house poor" homes. Giving us a greater chance of landing one!
Monday, June 13, 2011
A New Degree of Nesting