Tuesday, September 6, 2011


After a completely insane week, that did not include killing our third, and last dog, I have a cold and still have one remaining dog. Thank goodness!

After burying Koti and seeing the turtle and blah blah blah I had to wipe the tears and carry on b/c I had someone's dream wedding to turn into reality. And you know what? I totally stepped up and made sure this bride had the most fabulous wedding ever seen.

And it totally was. Thank you very much!

After spending hours there on Thurs to set up lighting, and more hours Thurs night to set out more lighting and Friday rehearsing and watching caterers bring in glasses, spoons, knives and chairs...lots of chairs, I returned on Sat. morning in blinding rain and heart-stopping thunder/lightening.

It was at this time that the Father of the Bride repeatedly said, "It can't keep up like this, it just can't." Although it did, for hours. Many, many hours.

Around 2pm (three hours after I got there and a mere three until the guests were scheduled to arrive--although they actually arrived at 4:00) we began dressing tables, setting out decorations, cleaning up, lighting candles, setting our chairs, rearranging chairs, distributing programs, setting out lanterns, etc. etc. etc...

I was an enormous ball of sweat. A big, fat, almost 8-month-pregnant, rotund ball of sweat having the time of her life.

My business has existed for almost two years. And this was the first wedding that I was doing what I set out to do. I had so much fun. I LOVED seeing the beautiful bride whose family I have completely fallen in love with and her beaming groom. It was all so beautiful, and happy, and lovely and I am so so so happy that I had a part in making it happen.

I did it. I pulled it off. Now I want MORE GIGS!!!

My newly hired assistant and I have plans to market and spread the word and hopefully generate more biz.

But first I have to get rid of this cold.

I got home around 11pm Sat night. Sunday around 2:00 my dearest, oldest, to-be-Godmother of my baby, and her hub came over with their dog and we celebrated her pregnancy, my pregnancy and the happiness filling our lives! It was a blast!

They left today and I had a meeting with a planning committee for LUNA Fest, which I am helping to coordinate for the county, and then a Dr. appt, when I learned Peanut is measuring larger than Caden did and I have to shove a larger baby out of my vag.

Somewhere among all this complete insanity, my nose started running and my throat started to ache, my head to pound. And now I feel like death warmed over.

But it's okay, b/c this is life. This is my life. Tomorrow Caden's furniture comes and next weekend we will spend oodles of cash buying everything in the world a toddler needs to feel happy and warm and safe and beyond loved in his big boy room.

Have I mentioned that these are the happiest days of my life? Cause they are. And anyone who tries to get in the way, don't waste your time. We will simply stop speaking and I will continue to be boundlessly happy. I don't have time, interest, or patience for idiots or their idiocy.

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