Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Meet Our Son

In 2009 we were incredibly blessed with the birth of our son, Caden. It was a long road to parenthood for us. Six months after we married in 2005, we decided to start a family; however, we had no idea how hard that would be for us. Three years and many infertility treatments later Shawn was staining a shed in our driveway the 4th of July weekend when I brought him the home pregnancy test I had just taken that read positive.

This pregnancy was the result of in vitro fertilization. We were lucky that we had success the first time.

After he was born we hoped that the path had been paved and more children would follow when we were ready for them.

Wrong again.

Two years later we have had one failed IUI and one failed IVF. This is not something we want to continue putting ourselves, or my body, through.

We know that adoption is the right road for us to expand our family.

Caden is an absolute joy. He is sweet and loving and simply adorable. He hugs and kisses and loves the fur off our pets. (Well, the dogs anyway, the cats don't stick around long enough for him to get a hold of them.)

He loves planes, cars, and balls. He points at the moon when we go outside at night. He loves emptying the kitchen cabinets and getting the dogs to chase him around the house. When the weather is nice, he loves his sandbox and doing anything outside. He is beginning to play with other children. He loves babies and often carries a photo himself around. He loves apples, bananas, hot dogs, chocolate, milk, and pork. He's a wonderful sleeper, but seems to be giving up his naps. He loves the bath. He pats my back when I hold him and he's upset. He covers his eyes we speak sharply to him. His favorite color is green. He dances to the Apple iPad commercial and loves to clap along with the audience during any reality show. He loves to watch Caillou.

He's perfect. There isn't a thing we would change about this baby.

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