Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2 Thirds Down!

We entered our Third Trimester yesterday...huge milestone!! Almost as big as the beachball under my shirt!

Things are definitely getting underway in the O'Grady household. Caden's new room is painted. Both the TV and bed have been sold and are awaiting pick-up and we will order his new furniture this weekend. Although each piece is backordered, I'm hopeful it'll all be here within a month.

Which means in 4 short weeks we can move Caden into his BIG BOY room and turn our attention to the nursery for a few new wall hangings and washing/organizing infant clothes.

In other news, my March of Dimes contract begins in two weeks (yea money!) and I'm really looking forward to organizing this year's walk. Since I have one walk under my belt, I am a little more confident about what I'm doing.

And still more news...I have an interview tomorrow for a PT position assisting the editor-in-chief for an association journal. The journal is a culmination of all my past professional experience in the association world, and is a friggin' fascinating journal besides all this. I would be beyond stoked if I get the job.

Shawn is doing amazing things at his job as well and is earning some crazy commission lately.

All things considered, we are glad the move did not work. I truly love this house (despite its shortcomings) and with the fourth bedroom nearing completion for Caden, it feels filled with wonderful, happy people.

This is really just a very exciting time, I think for any family. To be adding to our family, living comfortably (most of the time), raising our son as we see fit, able to plan modest vacations and be able to donate to people in the community who are struggling, makes me very happy and very proud.

I sincerely believe in giving even when you have little to give. There may be months when Shawn and I just making ends meet. But if we can continue to give...bring someone dinner, send someone struggling some money, make a charitable donation...I think it is returned to us in many ways.

We are blessed with incredible people in our lives. I am so grateful for the friends I have made in the past few years...friends who I am hoping will be lifelong. I am grateful for their simple existence as part of my life.

We move through each day in good health with a healthy, happy, loving, ridiculously cute son and baby on the way cooking as he/she should.

I simply cannot ask for more. I count my blessings each and every day...sometimes twice.

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