Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Unpredictable

What a week...and we still have two days to go.

This week we learned that Shawn will getting an assistant to help with his workload. This is FANTASTIC news and I'm so happy for him. I know that the amount of work he has been taking on has been getting to be a lot for him. It's hard to complain about the workload though, since it all translates to commission for him.

In other news, I have moved onto Phase II of my interview with the journal. This entails an assignment, which is the sort of work I've done in the past. I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again, I really want this job. It's perfect and I'd love it.

On The Bad side, we also learned this week that Dakota, our sweet, loud, big personality dog has cancer. Either lymphoma or leukemia. It hardly matters which since it is progressing and we do not anticipate her being with us for much longer.

I get a lump in my throat each time I think about losing another dog so soon. We said goodbye to DJ in June and here it is, two months later and we have to prepare to say goodbye to Dakota. That same lump travels up from my throat and becomes tears when I think about Caden not having her around. He loves his animals so much and it already breaks my heart when he asks where DJ is.

We said when we were down to one dog, we'd get another. But with a baby due in 10 weeks, there is no way I am ready to take on a dog. I suppose come spring, we'll get another dog. It's all just so sad. We love our animals so much and they seem to leave so suddenly.

Speaking of Peanut, both Godparents have been invited and have accepted our invitation to be a Godparent. I'm really excited. Although we are not devote Church goers, we have strong faith and in addition to that, asking someone to be a Godparent is asking them to take on a role within your family and to me, that is a huge deal. I'm thrilled that both were touched and honored to be asked. Their reaction is exactly what I was hoping it would be.

We still haven't ordered Caden's Big Boy furniture. That little thing called money seems to slip through our fingers too quickly! We have about half of what we need. Hopefully we can order it next week without having to dip into our savings.

(see, this is where that job would come in really handy)

This is a huge week for Caden who slept through his first earthquake, which will shortly be followed by his first hurricane this weekend. Two natural disasters in one week...crazy!!!

We are about 60 miles from the epicenter of the earthquake and while we sustained no damage it did scare me half to death.

Well, after playtime we have to run off to get bread in case we lose power and have to eat sandwiches all weekend.

It's been crazy lately, but I still think these are the best days of my life.

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