Saturday, October 13, 2012

Dreams Fulfilled

I attended a women's forum today and it was such an inspiring event. The forum aimed to empower women and help us realize our dreams.

As I sat through the sessions which encouraged women to step outside of their comfort zone toward more fearful activities; to visualize dreams in an effort to realize them; and to never give up on those dreams, I found myself realizing that so many of dreams have become my reality.

The path to parenthood took us longer than anticipated and through detours we hadn't ever considered. In the end, we have two incredible children who are the light in our every day. Since having Caden I have become heavily involved in a local mother's group having served on the board twice. And most recently, I have been invited to take over as Editor for a local parenting magazine.

What an honor!

I obtained my masters in Professional Writing and Editing in 2006 with no clear plan about what to do with it. I thought it would be a helpful degree to have if and when I ever had a family, since I started this degree in 2000, before even meeting Shawn.

This woman, who one day sat on the floor crying wondering if she would ever have a family, now has two beautiful children and a flourishing career working on a parenting magazine none-the-less. The determination to have a family has fulfilled so much.

Realized dreams are all around me. In my amazing husband who makes so much possible, in the two small children who make my heart sing, in the fulfilling work I am eager to take on.

While it's hard to not look past the present to see what the future may hold, it's important to pause and appreciate all that is today. Because when I stop and take the time to look around, I see that it's all I've ever really wanted.

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