Monday, March 26, 2012

Little Boy in the Big City

I'm not a city person. There is little that appeals to me in a city. Yes, there is great food all over the place and I can buy milk or wine any time of the day or night. But I can't watch the woods thicken as the leaves begin to grow. I can't hear the fox cry or the hawk scream. I can't see the stars as clearly or feel the spring blossoms fall through the air.
I love the country setting.
This past weekend we went to New York for a wedding. It was a long, expensive weekend and I'm fairly certain our attendance was neither noted nor appreciated, because that's how some people are.
But we went none-the-less.
We went because it was the right thing to do. We went because hearing the back lash from not going is so not worth it. We went because we are so bloody rich, spending upwards of $3,000 on someone neither of us even speaks with is totally okay with us. Not like we have two kids and a mortgage to consider.
It was very nice to see some of our family members who we've not seen in a long time and it was a ton of fun to get all dressed up, eat good food, drink nice champagne, and dance in a beautiful room.
We're not morons, we recognize and appreciate beautiful things. And Manhattan may be dirty and filled with too many people, but it also houses beautiful things.
And above all else, I got to see my sweet little boy dun a tux and my darling little girl all dolled up in an over-the-top-adorable dress. She was passed around the reception room like a flask at a bachelor party.
We walked to Rockefeller Center and shopped at the Lego store before the wedding festivities. Following said festivities, we got in the car and spent our remaining $30 on tolls returning home.
And today, the windows are open, the sun is shining, and warm smells of spring fill the air and we are home. Where we belong. Far from the city.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Three Years Ago

Three years ago was the eve of Caden's due date. I anxiously awaited indications that he (or she) was on his (or her) way.

It wasn't until MAR18 at 7:00pm while I spoke with my sister on an uncharacteristically warm March evening that something started to happen. By 1:30am on MAR19, we were on our way to the hospital and at 5:33 that afternoon Caden Michael entered my life.

These past three years I've watched an infant become a baby and a baby become a little boy. A little boy with thoughts and ideas and a personality all his own. Shaped by his parents but fine-tuned by him.

Caden is an amazing little being. He is happy and healthy and loving and smart and has two parents who adore every inch of him. He loves tractors, dinosaurs, airplanes, cars, trucks, balls, trains and bubbles and probably a million other things I can't think of right now. He has us read two pirate books and the Itsy Bitsy spider book every evening. He can recite all of them almost perfectly.

Caden has endless energy. He loves to be around other kids and tends to outlast them on many occasions.

This week we visited a preschool where he will go in the fall with his "best friend" Ian. He will take soccer beginning APR01 and swim classes at the end of April. He will be the ring bearer in Shawn's cousin's wedding this fall. He will wear his first tuxedo next weekend.

Caden loves his sister.

He calls her Dell and kisses her and loves to check on her. He also blames his smelly messes on her.

Someday he will be potty trained, we hope someday soon but have our doubts. He has peed precisely once on the potty...on JAN31...and not since.

Caden loves chocolate, milk, chocolate milk, Gatorade, juice, chai lattes, chick fil a chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and cheerios. He's not the best eater. He tastes broccoli and occasionally eats string beans.

He loves to be outside. He'll do anything just to be out there. Throw rocks, swing sticks, chase bees...any number of things that will land him in the ER (again).

In a few weeks we hope to have his playset completely assembled. It is now a playset in pieces. We hope he and Adele love it for years and years.

I can't believe how much I can love a little boy. My little boy. A little boy who I have had the privilege of raising for three years now. I am completely honored to be his mother. When he tells me he loves me or that I'm his best friend, he makes my heart melt.

We love you Caden and we hope you have a wonderful birthday party tomorrow!

Happiest of Birthdays to you!!