Friday, December 30, 2011

The Cold

I can handle being tired; I can handle being sick. I am not handling being tired AND sick very well.

I developed a sore throat shortly after Adele came home from the hospital and have been sick ever since.

Shawn brought home a lovely virus about 2 weeks ago that incapacitated him so much so he actually took a legitimate sick day and slept all day. Then Caden got sick and now it's my turn what seemed to be moments after overcoming the sore throat. Even sweet Adele is sick and has coughing fits.

I'm lucky to get 5 hours of broken sleep a night. I have trouble going back to sleep after feeding Adele due to terrible coughing fits, so my potential for sleep is reduced even further.

She is almost 2 months old. From physically healing from labor and being sick, I haven't felt well in 2 months. Even longer if you add the sleepless nights and discomfort from full term pregnancy.

I look about 10 years older and feel I will never have the energy to work out and get rid of these 10 remaining lbs.

I love them dearly, but exhaustion and illness are taking their toll.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Whose Lesson is it to Learn?

My dog ate our gingerbread house.

The whole house. Leaving only the trees out front and peppermint path.

At lunch, he ate the remainder of Caden's hot dog. Anything that is within reach of his mouth, he eats.

I nearly killed him as I watched his ninja-canine-self silently place his paws on Caden's small table and gently take each piece of dog off the plate and lick all the ranch dressing serving as dip for Caden's veggies.

As I brought him in from the yard, where he was serving his time out, I asked if he learned his lesson. And I wondered, maybe it was my lesson to learn.

Keep food out of his reach.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Xmas Day Recap

Our Xmas celebration began Xmas Eve with dinner at Shawn's Aunt's and Uncle's house. His Uncle even got on the roof dressed as Santa and threw presents down to him. It was hilarious.
Caden was spoiled rotten by Shawn's Aunt/Uncle and his own Uncle Shannon.
We didn't get Caden down to sleep until about 11pm on Xmas eve since we wanted to drive by and show him some holiday lights and we had yet to put out the cookies and carrots for Santa, which included an explanation of course and a sampling of the cookies by Caden.
This made for a late start Xmas morning. Caden is sleeper when he goes to bed at 8:30 so an 11pm bedtime makes for a late, late morning.
Caden made his appearance around 10:30. By this time, Shawn and I were both up and dressed as was Adele...our Xmas Princess.
Caden opened a few presents only to became completely distracted by them. We had to refocus him several times. It actually took a full day to get everything open...and he really didn't have that much to open!
Caden's Aunt Suzy and Uncle Mat came for the day and Uncle Shannon came back as well. Suzy is Caden's Godmother, Shannon is his Godfather, and Mat is Adele's Godfather...I actually only realized that we had all the Godparents here (with the exception of one) right now. It was so nice.
We had a delicious tailor-made menu of pigs in blankets, sushi, filet Mignon, salad, and stuffing. It was exactly what everyone wanted.
Everyone left by 8pm and as soon as I had a moment to rest, I realized I had quite the cold brewing. And today, I feel horrible. Our entire household has gotten The Cold. Shawn brought it home, shared it with Caden and now it's my turn and our sweet Adele. My poor 7-week old little muffin is all congested and coughing.
She is the cutest, sweetest, most precious thing I've ever seen and her sweet little kitten cries as she moans with her cold are truly heartbreaking. My poor girl. Soon, we'll be done with this shizz soon. Hopefully by New Year's!

Friday, December 23, 2011

'Twas the Night Before

Since blogspot jacked up my blog for a few months I haven't been able to post, and then forgot to check to see if I could!

So I haven't done any updating since September and there has been a whole lotta life happening since then. Mainly....


7 weeks ago today I went in for my regularly scheduled appointment to discover I was 5 cm dilated. This was not a huge surprise since I felt like I had been delivering the baby for about 6 weeks.

My doctor recommended I head over to the hospital to deliver and I couldn't have agreed more. After an hour of running around, collecting Caden, calling Grammie, and packing Shawn and I hoofed it to the hospital where Grammie met us and took Caden back home.

I was given pitocin around 2:00, an epidural around 3:00 and had our beautiful, sweet little girl at 5:25 after a mere 4 minutes (yes, minutes) of pushing. She was 6lbs 15ozs and 19.5" of pure heaven. Adele Eden has completed our family.

My doctor didn't say the gender immediately but held her up so we could see. I began crying and didn't stop crying or exclaiming that we had a girl for at least an hour. Even now I am shocked that we were blessed with a little girl.

We have a matching set.

I love her so much.

Caden is the best big brother. He asks about her all the time. Wants to know where she is, gives her her paci or blanket, turns her music on and tells me she's hungry when she cries. There is no greater brother than Caden...I'm confident of that.

This Christmas will be the most spectacular of my life. I feel beyond blessed for all the riches in my life. I have need for nothing.

I hope everyone, everywhere has a very Merry Christmas and is able to overlook the materialistic tendencies of the day and focus on the truly priceless blessings in life.