Monday, April 4, 2011


Last summer I was hired by the March of Dimes to organize their March for Babies event for our county. I had to begin Sept. 1. This was shortly after I learned that our attempt with IVF #2 for a second baby had failed and I was reeling. How was I going to work for a charity that sought to see every pregnancy to full term when I couldn't even get pregnant? I was actually envious of the women who I met b/c at least they had babies. I had trouble just getting out of the gate. The walk is this weekend. And I am now 9 weeks pregnant. I'm busy wrapping up all the final details for the walk, which includes assembling posters for families who have a connection to the cause. The families who had preemies who thrived, and those who lost their babies. It absolutely breaks my heart to see these photos of mom's holding tiny, precious babies, who never left the hospital. I can not hope and pray enough for a healthy pregnancy that ends with a seriously cute bundle. We have such a long way to go, and so much can wrong, and wrapping up the walk is just making that all the more clear to me, despite already knowing too many people who have had 1st trimester m/c. The journey of a thousand miles never actually ends.

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