Monday, April 30, 2012

New Outlook

April was a maddeningly hectic month. We celebrated Easter with friends, took Caden to the circus, hosted Adele's Baptism, had work done on the house, prepared to refinance our house, finished the playset for Caden's birthday, participated in a Mud Run, Caden started soccer and I wrapped up my work for the March of Dimes which included executing walk day for my county, helping with walk day in another county, pulling off a few unsuccessful fundraisers...AND I managed to land a gig with non-other than the Governor of VA's sister in law.

Holy crap...April was busy.

New Windows!

Hunting for Eggs with Hayden

Soccer with one of his best little friends

I have to admit that I'm quite relieved to see May upon us. Pools will open at the end of the month, my contract with MOD has expired, my calendar has freed up, and my main duties will be to pull off an awesome event in June for my newest client, continue to promote the farm, and schedule endless playdates for Caden so when he's older he will look fondly at his childhood and the long summer days spent with friends. I don't put too much pressure on myself.

Oh and how can I forget the other milestones in April? Caden ditched the pacifier all together, although he still cries for it when excessively tired or upset, but a quick distraction generally helps, AND we began potty training.

I'm so endlessly proud of this kid. He has been a major champ when it comes to the potty. It's been just over a week when we decided to go cold-turkey with the diapers. We just stopped one day and threw him in underware and let him pee on himself and explained it from there.

He's doing very well...mostly because he is awarded a Dum Dum after every successful pee trip. The kid is living on Dum Dums.

The big event for May? Dentist. Yup, that's right. After plowing him with Dum Dums for 10 days straight, I thought, "huh, perhaps I get his teeth checked out". So we'll go on Thurs.

Other major happenings? Somehow, without my looking half a year flew by and Adele is now a 6-month-old insanely adorable baby.

She is absolutely a riot. The kid has no time to develop...she MUST move...NOW! When she is in her BUMBO, she angles herself and uses one leg to push herself around the floor (or table until we put a stop to putting her up there). The other day she pushed herself over to Bennie to give him a pat.

She is so adorable and lovely and I love her so much...which is great because she is STILL (yes, even at 6 months) getting up numerous times each night. Last night was a good one though. She slept from 12:00 until 5:40. That's MAJOR. That has NOT happened before. I hope it happens again.

These children continue to impress and surprise us on an hourly basis. We are so lucky and beyond blessed to have a house filled with little-boy pee droplets and babygirl spit up.

I hope we never overlook all our blessings!