Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Enjoying the Calm

Most of my commitments have come to an end. I have two more Monday French classes and then that's it, I will officially (again) be unemployed and making as much as an unemployed person.

Although I am turning over every stone for editorial or contract work. I know this is the right kind of work for me to do from home on my own schedule. Hopefully some opportunities turn into something.

Caden is being such a doll lately I can't stand it. He has been talking about the "efficents" (elephants) that we saw at the circus for about three weeks now. I had no idea a two year old could remember things for that long! Right now he is playing with some trucks and just paused to tell me he heard a crow. :)

His cuteness knows no boundaries. It extends far beyond where we could ever expect cute-limits to be. He is sweet and affectionate and for the most part a wonderful little boy.

He has moments of craziness where I have to almost hog-tie him to get him off the playground or back into the car. But those are few and far between and I can deal. At least for the moment I can.

He can sing the alphabet, identify most letters, count to 11 and loves to look through books. I, self-gratuitously, take credit for all his endearing qualities. :)

Peanut is growing as a 14-week fetus should. Time seems to have slowed down a little bit with regards to this pregnancy. My pants are getting tighter and my hunger, like Caden's cuteness, knows no limits.

Shawn has been riding his motorcycle to work a lot more lately b/c of the nice weather and I'm happy that he has that to make his commute a little more tolerable. His job is going well and he continues to receive compliments from his manager. Hopefully these translate into a nice raise in August...I won't lie, a little extra cash would be wonderful.

I'm somewhat envious of the stay-at-home moms who are home because they can easily afford to live off one income. That's not us. I stay home by tightening the belt, cutting everywhere we can, and recognizing that we'll have to make certain sacrifices. With my temporary employment all running out, I'm wondering just how tight we can make this belt. There is still a lot of fat we can cut, but to do that would be recognizing some serious hardship and thankfully we aren't there yet.

I just have to look at Caden. Who asks me to look through flashcards, sweetly tells the dogs, cats, and all his toys "nigh nigh" each evening, randomly plants kisses on his momma and dadda, and I know we did the right thing. He isn't rough or rude. His speech is wonderful and he communicates beautifully with us. When I see all this, I know the sacrifices are worth it. It shocks me when I see other parents putting material things ahead of time with their children. I know one couple whose poor husband has to work ridiculous amounts of overtime to afford a lifestyle they can't actually afford. This poor man is robbed of time with his family to satisfy the selfish desires of his wife, who is not willing to sacrifice. I remind myself of that couple and how thankful I am to not be like them.

There is no material on earth greater than a random kiss from my son.