Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Show me the money!

Ok, we are back on track. Taxes were filed last night.

We won't have as much as I thought we would...we never do. But it will give us a VERY good start.

Also good news that we did not need to buy a new car. Both cars are running beautifully and better be for the next year at least! I am not a car person and will be happy to use this vehicle until the time comes that we need to upgrade for another carseat! But I think there is ample time for that.

Other potential news is pending...but pending news is no news, so I got nothing.

I'm grumpy and tired today and would love to use our tax refund for a much needed vacation. But clearly, we have other plans.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Minor Setback

Nothing like getting your sights set on something only to have a few obstacles tossed in the way.

We are getting ready to submit our application and begin getting things in order for our home study, which will total $2100. We were planning to use a portion of our tax return money to cover those expenses.

Until our cars needed inspection, and both failed. Ugh...

We had mine fixed first since it decided to not start when we were leaving the inspection garage. That came to somewhere around $800.

We picked mine up last Wed (I think) and I used it Thurs and Fri and then Sat. AM I tried to start it and nothing but wildly possessed electrical issues.

All the interior lights were flashing and all the buttons were clicking. Not good.

Then Shawn's truck started acting wonky and we realized we had one dead and one unreliable vehicle. We rented a car for a few days this week to cover Shawn's commute and borrowed one from a friend for the day to cover my duties.

This morning they towed mine from the driveway.


$800 for my car (so far)

$800 for Shawn's truck

$100 for a tow

$85 for a rental

This is just nuts. This is just a few hundred shy of the total we needed for the home study.

We are hoping that something positive comes our way soon, because on one income, facing adoption expenses, we can not be shelling out money (credit) like this.